Patent Attorney
- +358 10 219 0720

I started by career at Espatent in the spring of 2021 as the company’s first summer trainee. After the traineeship, I continued as a patent engineer and in the early 2024 I passed the Finnish Patent Attorney examinations and gained my title as Finnish Patent Attorney.
I work in many technology areas of Espatent, but especially in the fields of chemical devices, semiconductors and traditional chemistry. In IPR field, I am fascinated by the opportunity to work with new innovations in the interface of technology and law with a customer-oriented approach. The analytical and detail-oriented way of working, as well as the understanding of technology in combination with comprehensive literary skills are amongst my strengths.
My academic background consists of a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering from Aalto University (2021) and a Master of Laws, LLM, from University of Dundee (2022). During my engineering studies, I have gained experience from e.g. fibre- and polymer engineering, semiconductor technology, papermaking, process engineering and materials science. During my law studies I have gained knowledge from e.g. intellectual property rights, international law (such as international business transactions and international security) and environmental law.