Patent Attorney

  • +358 10 219 0720

I started as an intern at Espatent in the spring of 2021 and I continue as a patent engineer during my complementary studies. I work in all technology areas of Espatent, but chemistry and chemical devices are emphasized. Simultaneously, I will gain comprehensive overview on IPR, patent and innovation protection areas.

I graduated as a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering majoring in fibre- and polymer engineering from Aalto University in the summer of 2021. In addition to fibre- and polymer engineering, I have gained experience widely from other subjects as well, for instance, nanotechnology, papermaking, process engineering and materials science.

In IPR field, I am motivated by the opportunity to work in the interface of technology and law with customer-oriented approach. I am fascinated by precise, analytical and detail-oriented way of working, in which the wide understanding of technology is combined to comprehensive literary skills.

Espatent Oy
Kaivokatu 10 D, 00100 HELSINKI-FIN
Tel. +358 10 219 0720

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